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Apple iPhone 3G officially the phone of the year!

Written on 8:02 AM by Annush

No not according to us, though readers of the Blog will know we’re massive iPhone fans. Mobile Today have announced the big winners at this years Mobile Industry Awards and the top gong for best phone has gone to Apple’s touchscreen masterpiece. Whilst you don’t have to look very far to find someone singing the iPhone 3G’s praises, the Mobile Industry Award bring together the biggest names in the industry in a rigorous and challenging process, from sales directors of the six operators, to the heads of major network and high-street retailers. The Awards begin with a survey of both independent and big store retail staff to find out what they think has made the mobile industry sing.

The next stage is the insight of no fewer than five panels, populated by big names from the industry itself, as well as retail experts. Panels are drawn from the chiefs of big retailers, operator retailers and independents, right through to smaller dealerships. It’s an exhaustive process, but one that ensures the Mobile Industry Awards deliver The Industry’s Verdict on excellence. Enough about the awards process, what about the winner? The fact that the iPhone 3G has won against some stiff competition is impressive as it is but considering it has been voted for by a multitude of retailers and networks that don’t even stock the phone is the really impressive part.

But there was only ever going to be one winner really. The iPhone 3G features arguably the best touchscreen experience found on a phone coupled with a slick user interface and the all conquering App store that has revolutionised the way people think about downloadable content. Web browsing on the iPhone is also in a league of its own with the excellent pinch to zoom feature ensuring even text heavy sites are perfectly legible on the 3.5 inch screen.

So with another accolade in the bank, what’s next for Apple and the iPhone? The rumour mill is currently working over time at the moment hinting at a new iPhone which is, apparently, set to be announced on Monday. Can it equal or even surpass the success of the excellent iPhone 3G? Only time will tell. As soon as we hear anything on a new iPhone, you can read about it first on the Blog.

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